Web Marketing
MOR Media Inc. offers several ways to reach our listening and reading audiences through web advertising.
Advertising Opportunities on our Company Websites
Advertising Opportunities on our Stations' Streaming Players
ALL of our streaming players offer several different options for ad placement:
- Pre-roll Banners - a banner ad that displays while the player is loading and can be 300x250 or 728x90 - Sponsor Exclusive! There is only one of these available per player. Contact us to find out if this option is available to you!
- Banners- a large 728x90 banner that displays at the bottom of the player, rotating with other banner ads every 30 seconds
- Companion Banners - a 300x250 banner ad that displays in addition to your Banner ad, also rotates every 30 seconds
And it starts as low as $50 per month!
Choose one for just $50 per month. Choose two or more and save! Contact us for all the details.